Manifest V3 roadmap

Hello All,

Currently we were using custom version of browser extension for our instance. But I can’t publish the extension on Google chrome webstore due to extension using MV2.

What is the release plan for browser extension with MV3. I can gather from the commits and other community posts that it is being worked on. But is there a timeline or update of when is the release targeted.

Appreciate the help.

Hi @hamza

You are saying you “were” using it. Are you meaning work was done on a custom extension but now you are having trouble distributing it?

Care to share more about your extension?

@garrett That is correct we made some modifications and we are planning to deploy only for our organization. But we are unable to distribute it. That is why I was hoping to get some updates from the team or community about the Manifest V3 timeline.

In the meantime I think using chromium-based Edge is a workaround. (and Firefox probably too)

Someone from the dev team will have to speak to timelines, but we do know and have been told it’s in process and high priority.

Thanks @garrett

I gathered the same after going through some topics in this forum.

Can you please tag someone from dev team here. If you can.


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They will read it - it’s the weekend so give it a couple days.


Hi @hamza, thank you for sharing with the community.

If you want we could organize a quick call to show you the state of the MV3 project and what we need to complete it. We could also discuss your use cases, and integrate some ideas in the future so the community would benefit it.

Appreciate this @cedric

I would be open to getting on a call. But I think if the brief roadmap could be shared here on the forum. Others could benefit from this.

And as far as our usecase is concerned. We had to make few changes to the styling to match the design guidelines of our organization and wanted to pin extension to a specific version in our private chrome webstore for security compliance.

For the general context, Google initial pressure seems to have reduced as they have postponed their experiment to shutdown MV2 support to later without precision. And Mozilla is a bit late on their schedule as they still didn’t release the support for all their users without changing the configuration manually.

google chrome MV3 timeline

On our side we didn’t schedule yet a release date for MV3. We want to turn the switch only when we will have tackled all the items remaining on the critical path and we are sure that the browser implementation is stable to avoid any disturbance to the users.

However you might have seen commits with the previous releases in the maintenance section of the release notes mentioning the work on MV3. The general idea is to rollout as much changes required by MV3 on the MV2 extension in order to avoid too many divergences between both manifests.

In that context if you look into the Gruntfile you’ll find the necessary material to already build the MV3 extension. Note the v3.10 doesn’t contain all the necessary code to run a testable version of the MV3 extension, but please bear with us, it’s coming very soon.

You probably not have seen my DM I sent you yesterday. I would be please to explore possible synergies regarding your use case and the coming MV3

@cedric Thank you for the detailed explanation.

Just to add that Google might have not stoped MV2 extensions but they are not allowing the publishing of MV2 extensions anymore. So If passbolt plans to release a newer version after 3.10.0 then that has to be MV3. Considering this, In terms of extension’s development, MV3 has the highest priority. Am I correct in assuming that?

Would appreciate a kind response.

Yes I missed the DM. Will respond there.

There is a distinction between new extensions and extensions already present on the store. While Google does not accept new extensions, it is possible to update existing ones. The coming release will still be in MV2 format.

MV3 is one of our highest priorities. As you can see in the previous releases notes we are investigating effort to make the transition as smoothest as possible.

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Thank you for a speedy response.

There is a distinction between new extensions and extensions already present on the store. While Google does not accept new extensions, it is possible to update existing ones. The coming release will still be in MV2 format.

@cedric Are you sure about this? Cause google is not letting me publish an MV2 revision of an existing extension that is published and available on a private chrome store for my organization. It now requires MV3 to submit for review for already published MV2 as well. There was no separate indication from Google for this but when I wanted to submit a new version for my MV2 extension for review, It didn’t let me. That came in effect after 15 Feb I believe. Not confirmed about the date.

As far as we know, the MV2 sunset was postponed and no action should be taken before March. No additional communication was found on the chromium extension google group.

I don’t know what is the behavior regarding private extension, all our extensions including the development ones are publicly available