New Release: v4.5.2 ~ Marching The Hate Machines

v4.5.2 ~ Marching The Hate Machines

Release date: February 14th, 2024

:musical_note: Marching The Hate Machines :musical_note:

Passbolt v4.5.2 Marching The Hate Machines is a maintenance update that contains important fixes for both the API and browser extension, addressing issues reported by the community since version 4.5.0.

Most notably this update fixes a problem that previously prevented the autofill feature from working with certain web applications.

Additionally, the release improves the process for importing TOTPs from kdbx files on Windows, ensuring better support for TOTPs across various Keepass clients, including Keepass, KeepassXC, and Macpass.

Administrators would also be pleased to be able to host the API using PHP 8.3. While PHP 7.4 and PHP 8.0 are still supported on some distributions such as Debian, they will be discontinued soon and administrators are encouraged to upgrade to PHP 8.1 or higher and use the latest version of the passbolt API.

The Passbolt Team would like to express their sincere thanks to the community members who brought issues to their attention and helped the team to make Passbolt better.

:memo: Release Notes: Pro
:memo: Release Notes: CE


:new: Support for PHP 8.3


:hammer_and_wrench: :toolbox: Improved process for importing TOTPs
:hammer_and_wrench: :toolbox: Improved autofill feature
:hammer_and_wrench: :toolbox: Please see release notes


:lock: Please see release notes

:heart: Thank you to all the Passbolt Developers for keeping our passwords safe :partying_face: :tada::heart:

:person_tipping_hand: Passbolt Help Intallation, Updating, Backup, Trouble Shooting, Upgrading & More

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:heart: If you enjoy Passbolt’s features and security, please show your support, write a review on the app, extension and webstore :star::star::star::star::star: ( chrome | firefox | edge | ios | android | windows )

:heart: We welcome your feedback and invite you to show your support by adding a :star: on our GitHub API repo: GitHub - passbolt/passbolt_api: Passbolt CE Backend, a JSON API written with Cakephp

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