A couple features we would like to see

Since a couple of weeks I have been testing Passbolt Pro for our company as a replacement for our current password manager. Passbolt was kindly enough to sent me a trial license.

Unfortunately we are still missing a few features:

  • Folders and nested folders or nested tags
  • The ability to remove tags from multiple credential entries at once (For example, I want to delete the imported-from-keepass tag from all credential entries)
  • Custom CSS selector for username / password field
  • Improve browser plugin autofill feature (For example, it doesn’t work while clearly there is a username and password field available to fill in. It’s just stuck at loading the credentials and won’t go further)



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Hello Peter,

Thank you for your feedback:

  • Folders: this is scheduled for the comming month(s) and a long awaited feature.
  • Ability to remove tags: this will be available in the next release. We’re currently doing the finishing touch on edit / delete tags.
  • Improve browser plugin autofill feature: if you have specific details on which website is not working, please report it on the github repository or list it here, that will help.


Hello remy,

Thank you for your response.

Can I instead send you a DM with the URL?

Yes no problem, or by email contact@passbolt.com. Thanks