As a browser extension user, I'd like to have unified and smart-sorted suggestions

Q1. What is the problem that you are trying to solve?
When accessing a site on a domain on which I have many credentials, there are often not ordered in a way where the most suitable credentials are first. Also, the order is not the same in the textbox suggestion list and in the extension popup suggestion and search list.

Q2 - Who is impacted?
Any user with more than one credential (I guess anyone, otherwise you wouldn’t use a password manager ^^)

Q3 - Why is it important and/or urgent?
It is not urgent. It is important because this is the main use case of passbolt and adding convenience in this would greatly improve user experience.

Q4 - What is your proposed solution? (optional)
Unify the suggestion algorithm for textbox suggestion and browser extension popup (e.g. click on the extension icon in the extensions toolbar in Chrome)
Improve the suggestion algorithm by taking in account the following criterion, with first criteria having the most importance:

  1. Exact multi-sub-domain match : visiting, credentials registered for the exact sub-domain (e.g. should appear before credentials registered for other sub-domains (e.g.
  2. Parent (sub-)domain match : visiting, credentials registered for the same parent (sub-)domain (e.g. should appear before credentials registered for other parent (sub-)domains (e.g.
  3. Exact path suffix match : visiting, credentials registered for the suffix (e.g. /suffix/subpage) should appear before credentials registered for other suffixes (e.g. /other/subpage)
  4. Page name fuzzy match : a score for the match of the page title could also be taken in account

Q5. Community support
People can vote for this idea to show traction:
I cannot add poll, please edit with :

  • :ok_woman: Must have: this is critical for me to have this
  • :raising_hand_woman: Should have: this is important for me to have this
  • :tipping_hand_woman: Could have: this could be nice to have
  • :no_good_woman: Won’t have: we should not schedule this (explain why)

0 voters

hey @mullerch added the poll for you here as well

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