Browser extension v3.0 - data issues identified for users using passbolt since v1

Dear Passbolt users,

We released a major update of the browser extension a couple of hours ago and we noticed that some users are experiencing some issues. This is most likely you case if you using passbolt since version 1 or if you have some data integrity issues.

Fixing data integrity issues

If you are in that case, first please try to run the following commands to check your data integrity:
sudo -H -u www-data bash -c "./bin/cake passbolt datacheck --hide-success-details"

This command can give you some hints about where your data needs some manual intervention.
sudo -H -u www-data bash -c "./bin/cake passbolt cleanup --dry-run"

If you see some issues, remove the –dry-run to clean the data.

Fixing v1 related data issues

[Fixed in 3.0.3] For people that got issue accessing their profile or the user workspace, you can run the following queries:
DELETE FROM file_storage WHERE user_id is NULL;
DELETE FROM file_storage WHERE user_id is '';

[Fixed in 3.0.3] For people that got issue accessing their password workspace and/or see some data integrity issues on Favorites, you can run the following query:
UPDATE favorites SET modified = '2020-01-27 14:00:00' WHERE modified is NULL;
UPDATE favorites SET foreign_model = 'Resource' WHERE foreign_model = 'resource';

[Fixed in 3.0.3] For people getting an error with the gpgkeys entity, you need to see if there is NULL value on the column type or bits and replace it with data based on your server config. By default its is RSA 2048:
UPDATE gpgkeys SET type = 'RSA' WHERE type is NULL;
UPDATE gpgkeys SET bits = 2048 WHERE bits is NULL;

Also, please note that we are currently working on a fix, so that you do not have to run the SQL queries manually, but you can use these to fix your issues, without waiting.

We are sorry for the inconvenience, thanks for using Passbolt and especially for the early adopter who are with us since version 1.

Reporting other issues

For issues not corrected by the above steps, and which are occurring even after ensuring the extension version is v3.0.4, please post a new topic.

Links to recently fixed issues related to extension update

Could not validate GroupUsers - data cleanup needed
Keys have bad bits noted in database or key type is null
[From GitHub bug reporting] user screen blank, can’t see passwords

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I’m seeing this issue with a failure (probably in gpgjs): the bits is not a valid integer


Steps taken:

  • I’ve run both datacheck and cleanup; datacheck passes, cleanup notes ‘data looks squeaky clean’.
  • I’ve run the user_id is null / ‘’ -queries, and updated favorites’ modified/foreign_model fields with the specified queries.

Notable: Running docker (passbolt/passbolt:2.13.5-debian, image pulled ~ last week), mysql (5.7.31)

matthias.cofano can you create a new thread this error is new, we’ve not seen it so far.

We had the same issue and found some old records from v1 that had empty/NULL values for these 2 columns:

  • type
  • bits

We fixed it manually in the DB:

  • type: changed from empty to RSA
  • bits: changed from NULL to 2048

Administrator page is gone.
Users were not seen
Profile name is not listed anymore for administrators.

These were some of the problems I encountered during the update.
Do some users also experienced this and how it will be fixed?
I am hosting passbolt in a local server.

Thanks in advance.

Hi @eezee Can you look here and see if this helps: Chrome/Firefox 3.0.0 Can't access passwords or users · Issue #116 · passbolt/passbolt_browser_extension · GitHub

If this helps, please post back.

But, if you have a different error message when checking the extension’s console (instructions in the link are for Chrome), please post a new topic with the details, thanks.

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Thanks @garrett . the fix works.