Do I need SMTP for E-Mails?

My Mails have problems with authentication on smtp server (office365).
Do I really need the smtp or can I work without it?

Hi @Rolando

Mostly emails are notification emails. However, there are at least two situations where your user will need to receive some information to continue:

  • User registration
  • Account recovery

The information required is a one-time link and this information is sent to users through email.

For the user creation you could workaround the no email situation creating the user from the passbolt server using the command line:

su -c "./bin/cake passbolt register_user user@email -f first_name -l last_name -r role" -s /bin/bash www-data

This will output a link that you should give to the new user. However, (AFAIK) for the user recovery there is no shell command currently that will allow you to generate the link for the user to recover her/his account easily.

Bottom line is that it is highly encouraged that you use a SMTP server to smooth passbolt operations, otherwise you will introduce some overhead in managing users.

Hope this helps!

@diego thank you for the quick answer.
I’ll try the no-email creation on the server.
The strange thing is, that last thursday I installed passbolt with a successfull smtp configuration. I also could send testmails to every account.
On friday I wanted to create some users and no one received an email neither testmails were working anymore.
I checked out the mail queue and saw this error.

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I would recommend you to dig deeper on why you can’t send emails, I wouldn’t use passbolt without emails unless it is a local/testing installation.

If you run this command ./bin/cake passbolt send_test_email

You can see what exactly is going on… says in the error authentication issue.
could have been an issue on office365, could have been an issue where they blocked you temporarily, could be maybe your server restarted and the value did not get updated and/or lost… etc…

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