The plugin got updated in the browser without notice, and now our users are not able to login. We need to upgrade the server a.s.a.p. to solve this I guess. Not something we want to spend our time on right now, this is not the way this should be done!
Hi @pimzwager,
This is not an expected behavior. The plugin is supposed to be retro-compatible.
Could you let us know what version of passbolt API you are using?
Also, do you see any error message in the browser console, or the web extension console?
API: v1.6.9 / Plugin: v2.0.5
@pimzwager you can get rid of the popup in the meantime by removing
if(Configure::read('') === 'production') :
echo $this->html->script('/js/lib/steal/steal.production.js', [
'config' => Router::url('/js/stealconfig.js'),
'main' => 'app/login',
'env' => 'production'
echo $this->html->script('/js/lib/steal/steal.js', [
'config' => Router::url('/js/stealconfig.js'),
'main' => 'app/login',
@pimzwager we removed this “feature” in v2 after too many complaints, but unfortunately you are using a version that still has it.
the error we get is:
Version issue: update the server.
The API is not compatible with this plugin version.
Your passbolt administrator need to update passbolt backend to use the latest API version.
API: v1.6.9 / Plugin: v2.0.5
you have an option to proceed, but it doesn’t let you login.
Could not verify server key. That version of GPGAuth is not supported. (undefined)
Oops, something went wrong
We are really stuck here, I need all the help I can get, the person who normally maintains this installation is not available at the moment.
@pimzwager I hear you I’m looking into the issue
thank you very much for your effort, really appreciate it
I got the same error with our installation. Please let me know if there is any progress on this problem.
is there a way to roll back the plugin as a workaround? We are really dependent on the passwords we store in here.
You can roll back the plugin manually yes. If you give me a minute to build a new version I will revert back the last changes. Please bear with us.
Can you please let me know the current status?
I just submited new version v2.0.6 which is the same code base than v1.6.10 it will start rolling out to users soon. Please let me know if you still experience issues after that. We’re continuing testing on our side to understand what is causing this issue.
@pimzwager can you tell me which browsers are affected, is that both Firefox and Chrome?
My understanding of the issue with chrome only when the server API is less than v1.6.10.
- Please make sure you update asap to the latest v1, that can also solve your issue.
- Alternatively you can whitelist the GPGAuth headers on your webhead
- The previous working version of the plugin is currently being rolled out, it will take some time (we can’t control this).
I think all our users use chrome
The extension v2.0.6 has been published on chrome webstore and should solve the issue, you can tell your users to go to chrome://extensions/ and click on details, then update. Please update your server to v2 (or at least v1.6.10) as soon as possible .
I can confirm that this solves the problem with logging in. Thanks a lot for your quick support.
Yes I can now login again after the popup is dismissed! thank you so much! we will update a.s.a.p. (but i don’t know when exactly this will be)