LDAP Plugin Installation not available in Community Edition

Didn’t find any issues on the forum related to this; and the tutorial here: https://help.passbolt.com/configure/ldap

Doesn’t seem to work?

I followed it step by step…

I can’t seem to find the correct command to download the LDAP plugin utilizing composer.

I’m running composer as www-data user, and follow the exact steps listed in the tutorial, like so:

git pull origin master
su -s /bin/bash -c "composer install" www-data
su -s /bin/bash -c "./bin/cake passbolt migrate" www-data

But I never find the ldap plugin as I should.

I modified the php.ini file within the CLI folder as stated in the tutorial… nothing.

I tried:

su -s /bin/bash -c "composer install ldaptools" www-data

then I get an error saying “Use “composer require ldaptools” instead to add packages to your composer.json”

Could someone tell me the correct command to install the LDAP plugin?

Hello @PietroAretino,

The AD/Ldap plugin is only available in the Pro edition.
Could you contact us on the dedicated Pro support channel support(at)passbolt.com, our team will be glad to help you from there.

Best regards