Passbolt Broken with new Chrome Browser plugin

Running on:
passbolt:2.9.0-pro-debian (edited)
db - mariadb:v10.2.21
docker daemon version - 18.06.1-ce

We can log in, but cannot copy any passwords, and the user’s screen is not opening.

Please help.

@taimurt I noticed that you are running 2.9.0 and the latest version for pro is 2.14 so an update is recommended. Also, as a pro user feel free to reach out to us at as we will be happy to assist you.

Does this help: Chrome/Firefox 3.0.0 Can't access passwords or users · Issue #116 · passbolt/passbolt_browser_extension · GitHub

Trying to update to 2.14 now. It did not show as the latest version on the Docket page though

We did (sudo -H -u www-data bash -c “./bin/cake passbolt cleanup”) which fixed the user screen but passwords were still not working.

Once you have done your update @taimurt, if you still have issues, please write to and we will organise a call.

I just sent an email to, now we have another big issue. Please reply there.

@taimurt Thanks for the heads up I will make sure it is seen.